The Island Adventure!!!

Hey world, I’m going to tell you about our Island Adventure movie. In class we have been doing island work. Every class in the school got a letter, saying “You are stuck on a island and you will need to do lots of tasks to get of it. We made a movie about our island called Crystal Island. We have eventually finished and put it on our school YouTube channel. Click here to see our movie. Hope you like it!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

My Happy Thought Journal!!!

Heyy world, for homework we had to write happy thoughts in our happy thought journal. Here are some of my happy thoughts.

21\3\13: I’m grateful for a loving family who care about me so so so much. I love them so much!!!!

22\3\13: I’m so so so happy I got to meet my favourite band One Direction at there concert!!!!!

23\3\13: I accomplished all of my 3 dancing displays and and one dress rehearsal !!!!!

24\3\13: I visited the Holy Bank. It was my Granddad’s 73rd birthday party!!!!!!

25\3\13: I helped my Mum by buying Easter eggs with her!!!!!!!

26\3\13: My best friend Rachel came over to my house and she nearly fell off my bed!!!!!

Bye world!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Our Stories

Heyy world, in class we’re making cover stories of inamamate Alice. We all have different stories and we will be putting them on our blog soon. Mine is about a girl called Millie and her rabbit and they live in France. I dont want to tell you anymore so keep checking on my blog. Bye world😝😉😝😉😝😉😝

Random Acts of Kindness Report!!

Recently in class we have been trying out some kindness ideas. The aim of the kindness ideas is to make the world a greater and better place.  In class we have ambassadors such as loving, faithfulness, loyalty, compassion, joyfulness, caring and lots more. We made business cards that said what we were the ambassador of and how to contact us (our own class blogs and our class twitter account.) We made them in Microsoft publisher and added our Wee Mee’s. Our first job was to write compliments to our class mates and they got to take them home in an envelope. Next we made snowflakes for the adults in the school and we wrote compliments on then secretly stuck them on their doors (I made mine for Mrs Nairn). The next thing we done was wrote letters to our P1 reading buddies telling them about ourselves like our hobbies and that we wanted to be their reading buddies (my buddies are called Keira, Sophie and Finley.) We made books for our reading buddies and the next day we read them to them personally. My book was called The Monkey Miracle. A week after we read the book to the P1’s some of my class went done to interview them. Later on this week we will present our books to the P1’s. We still have lots of ideas for the kindness topic like write compliments and to put them in our A.R. books or our library books. We are going to call them Kind Thought Notes.     


100 Word Challenge

Boxes are all diffrent sizes. Thay can be big or small, thin or wide, squishy or hard. When you get a box you don’t know what’s inside it. Round boxes are for hats and cakes, rectangleuar boxes are for photo frames or shoes, square boxes are for cd’s or pizza’s. When I get a boxI open the corner of it and peek inside, I love to guess what’s inside. Sometimes I feel the shapes when I open the corner and I get a clue, I imagine all the things I’d like it to be. At Christmas the postman deliveries boxes but they don’t fit in the letterbox.


Bullying happens all over the world and it’s not nice at all, and bullying makes people want to do all sort of things to there body. Don’t keep it to yourself tell teachers, adults and your friends because these people can help a lot and also make you feel better. People think bullying is funny but it’s not funny, people get really, really really upset. Treat other people the way you want to be treated yourself and stop bullying. Around 50% of people are getting bullied around the world. Stop bullying now and start being nice.

My Learning

                          About My learning

I have got better at telling the time because I got all my maths work right.

                          About My Feelings

I was really happy that I got all my maths work right. I was also surprised.              

                  What I need to keep improving

I will keep practising everything  in maths


This week at school we have had a lot of visitors.Our first visitor we had was a dietitian here name was Mrs L. The second person who came in was Stuart M’s Dad he works as an engineer. The third person who came in was a lady called Julie she helped us make table decorations, for our enterprise. The forth person who came in was a lady called Mrs B she works in Ineos. The fifth person who came in was florist her name was Irene. The sixth person who came in was a make-up artist her name was Kirsty. The seventh person who came in was called Karen and she was a pharmacists. The last person who came was called Mrs G she worked as a scientist. Bye world 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂